Surfers against Sewage promotion

I am currently doing a promotion with Surfers against sewage, (SAS) a UK-based non profit-making organisation campaigning for clean, safe recreational waters, free from sewage effluents, toxic chemicals, marine litter and nuclear waste.

SAS were founded in 1990 by a group of surfers, who were literally 'sick of getting sick' through repeated ear, nose, throat and gastric infections after going in the sea. Forming a local group they set about taking grassroots action to stop the sewage pollution at their local surf breaks in Cornwall.

They were swiftly joined by like-minded water-users from around the UK and created what has now become a highly successful national campaign that gives recreational water users a voice on building a clean and safe water environment.

Their core objective is to ensure that anyone who wishes to enjoy the water environment, whether as a year-round surfer or a summer time beach-goer, can do so without fear of sickness or long-term illness.

Wetsuits, gasmasks and a six-foot inflatable turd have been the essential tools of the trade for them. Unusual (sometimes humorous) and photogenic media-friendly tactics have ensured that the campaign message of pollution free recreational waters has reached a wide audience, whilst persistence and perseverance are turning SAS' 'pipedreams' into reality.

The SAS campaign has already had a considerable impact on the whole sewage debate and the UK has now started to clean up its act in reducing the amount of sewage pollution.

As a result of this campaign SAS have become respected eco-campaigners and are now putting skills learnt to good use in campaigning vigorously on a broader range of water issues that can impact both on the health of the water user and that of the water environment. Current campaigns include 'Sewage and Sickness', 'Safer Shipping', 'No To Toxics', 'Climate Chaos' and 'Marine Litter'.

The reclaimed nylon range of jewellery all features nylon, monofilament and other reclaimed textiles and found objects from the beach.
15 % from the sale of each piece of jewellery that features reclaimed nylon in will be donated to the SAS so they can keep campaigning for a cleaner coast.
Huge matted balls of fishing nylon are now common place on beaches, usually having been lost or discarded by fishermen. These balls are not only non-biodegradeable, but pose a threat to any wildlife unlucky to get caught up in it.
I collect these tangled balls of nylon and laboriously go about unravelling, unknotting and even reknotting the nylon untill I am left with workable strands. These are then washed throughly in antibacterial soap so they are squeaky clean.

Goodbye, untill next time


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